
Conference Announcement of 2nd International Conclave on Hypertension and Healthcare

Longdom Conferences is Organizing 2nd International Conclave on Hypertension and Healthcare in Tokyo, Ja­pan during April 19-20, 2021. Hypertension and Health­care Conference 2021 has extensive sessions in which the main Keynote presentation, YRF (student presenta­tion), Oral, Posters, E-poster presentations. To share their valuable presentation on the most recent and advanced techniques, development and latest updates, a world-re­nowned speaker and prominent representative represen­tatives from all over the world participate in the confer­ence.

The Theme of the conference is Exploring Novel Ad­vancements in Hypertension and Healthcare. Scientific Sessions of Hypertension Conclave 2021 Neuroscience, Psychiatry, Psychology, Cardiology, and Cardiac Arrest. We provide a good opportunity by admiring your updat­ed Research and also by publishing it in our respective Journals. We assure our attendees return to their place with the self-belief to improve their abilities and outfitted with certified approaches to work with us. This meeting will allow the attendees to acquire these new updates and share their experiences with well recognized speakers globally.

Hypertension and Healthcare Conference brings an Opportunity to attend the presentations delivered by eminent scientists, researchers, experts from all over the world and participation in sessions on specific topics on which the conference is expected to achieve progress. It brings Global networking in transferring and exchanging Ideas. Share your excitement in promoting new ideas, de­velopments and innovations in the field of Neuroscience, Psychiatry, Psychology, Cardiology, and Cardiac Arrest.

Longdom Conferences congratulates the Best Poster awardees & Best YRF awardees for their outstanding per­formance in the field of Neuroscience and Psychiatry and appreciates all the participants who put their efforts in poster presentations & Young Researchers form and sin­cerely wishes them success in future endeavours.

With the grand success of Hypertension Conclave 2020, Longdom Conferences is proud to announce the “2nd In­ternational Conclave on Hypertension and Healthcare” to be held during April 19-20, 2021.
