
Diabetes Drug and Process of Drug trials

Dr. Kanika Tiwari

Lifestyle choices, including eating a healthy diet, exercising and staying at a healthy weight, are key to managing type 2 diabetes. But you also might need to take medication to keep your blood sugar, also called glucose, at a healthy level. Sometimes one medication is enough. In other cases, taking several medications works better.

The list of medications for type 2 diabetes is long and can be confusing. Take time to learn about these medicines how they’re taken, what they do and what side effects they may cause. That can help you get ready to talk to your health care provider about diabetes treatment choices that are right for you. Causing the pancreas to make and release more insulin. Blocking the action of enzymes in the intestines that break down carbohydrates, slowing how quickly cells take in carbohydrates.

Improving cells’ sensitivity to insulin, limiting the kidneys’ ability to take in sugar, which increases the amount of sugar that leaves the body in urine, slowing how quickly food moves through the stomach. Some people with type 2 diabetes can control their blood glucose level by making lifestyle changes. These lifestyle changes include consuming healthy meals and beverages, limiting calories if they have overweight or obesity, and getting physical activity.
