
Evolution of CT colonography

Stefanie Weinstein, Rizwan Aslam and Judy Yee

Many public health organizations, including the American Cancer Society, recommend colorectal carcinoma screening for all average risk adults beginning at the age of 50 years. Colorectal cancers are known to develop from precursor adenomatous polyps that progress from small to large size and from dysplasia to cancer over the course of many years. Despite the potential for prevention, patient compliance is markedly suboptimal. Additional screening options could lead to improved detection rates for early discovery of polyps and cancers and thus lead to fewer cancer deaths. Many early studies have confirmed the ability of CT colonography to accurately detect polyps and colorectal cancers. This article will provide an overview of the current ‘state of the art’ of CT colonography, focusing on relevant recent research in the areas of colonic cleansing and distention, data acquisition, interpretation methods, validation and extracolonic findings. New guidelines, including the indications for CT colonography, are also discussed.
