
Migration of fractured tracheostomy tube into bronchus: a case report with literature review

Haimedah Edde D, Radhi M EL Hafed

Tracheostomy is an opening created in the anterior wall of the trachea inferior to the cricoid cartilage. This procedure is primarily done on patients who have airway obstruction, difficulty with airway clearance, or those who will be intubated for a long period. We share a rare case for migration of fractured tracheostomy tube in the right main bronchus successfully managed in our ENT department of the military hospital of Nouakchott. If the tracheostomy tube is retained for a long time, several late complications can occur, including fracture and dislodgement of the tube. A fractured tracheostomy tube with aspiration is a rare cause of respiratory distress and death, but early diagnosis and the presence of a skillful otolaryngological surgeon can lead to successful management.
