
Switching among rheumatologists' perceptions of non-medical tradition and biosimilar biologics

Mohammed A Omair

Background The end of this study was to estimate rheumatologists’ comprehensions of biosimilar biologics and on-Medical Switching (NMS). Methods Across-sectional check was conducted among listed members of the Saudi Society for Rheumatology. The questionnaire concentrated on biosimilars and NMS. Logistic retrogression was performed to ascertain the effect of demographics and practice characteristics on the use of biosimilars and NMS. Results Out of 249 SSR members, 143 completed the check, generating a response rate of57.4. Of those (59.44) were men with a mean (± SD) age and times of practice of42.3 ±9.13 and10.3 ±8.9, independently. Rheumatologists managing adult cases (81.82) and Ministry of Health practice (43.36) were the maturity of repliers. Former experience in defining a biosimilar was reported by 43(30.07) actors, with a advanced probability among women (p = 0.015). An aggregate of 26(18.18) actors had performed NMS on eligible cases. Acceptable knowledge on biosimilars was reported by 69(48.25) actors. The acceptability of substantiation to grant biosimilar blessing for the studied suggestion and extrapolation to treat other conditions was reported by 88(61.5) and 69(48.3), independently. The conception of summation- of- the- substantiation was well understood by37.1. Biosimilars had been preliminarily used by 43(30.07) actors in their practice. NMS had been tried by 26(18.18), while 86(60.1) actors believed that NMS might harm cases. Conclusion There's a clear knowledge gap about the biosimilar blessing process among adult and pediatric rheumatologists who took part in the check. In addition, a large number of actors reported having negative opinions about NMS. There's a need to organize SSR- led educational conditioning, and develop public guidelines regarding biosimilars and NMS
